I LOVE what TypePad has done to make Technorati Tags easier to use! Instead of having to find, cut and paste the html code into my posts, I can now just type the words into the nice little field at the end of the compose page. It just doesn't get any easier than that. It's not often that something happens out of the blue to make your life easier. Oh what a joyous day. Are you with me?
The summer is winding down. Thoughts of school are starting to creep into reality. Filling out emergency forms, buying books, getting schedules, buying yearbooks, buying clothes. Buying, buying, buying. A surprise bonus for this school year for us...both boys managed to keep their backpacks in really great shape last year so we won't need to buy either one a new pack! That will save us at least $100. But pretty soon our crazy days of movies and golfing and flying around the country will be gone and the structure of schedules and homework and games and meetings will take over. I don't know if I'm happy about that or not.
My 29th 39th birthday is this Saturday. I've been really trying to ignore it, although if you ask me directly I don't think it is any big deal. My Mom was a grandmother at 41. SHUT UP! Really. Technically, I could be too, but highly unlikely. Fingers crossed, knock on wood, keep it in your pants.
Had to put Payton on a plane up to Washington by himself last Saturday. It doesn't get any easier for me to do that, although I do love that he can find his way around an airport by himself. It didn't feel right staring at that Orange Terrorist Threat Level at the security check point though. "Terror threat level high" and I'm putting my kid onto a flying bomb. Nice. I know that's all emotional, but it's there. I'm dealing with it. He got there safe and sound, of course. He flies home Friday and then his little brother gets on a plane on the following Monday. I managed to work their trips so that they would both be home on my birthday. I honestly don't remember planning it that way when I was booking the flights; I'm sure it wasn't a total accident.
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