Thanks to my husband for the links, these are must watch videos! A nice break during the campaign...They are both very funny (IMHO).
This is the best YouTube video I have seen in a long time. Thanks to my sister in law in the great state of Washington for sending this to me.
The Great Schlep from The Great Schlep on Vimeo.
With all due respect, I know that Democrats do this too sometimes...but this is current and either VERY funny or VERY scary, depending on how you look at it.
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
I love this guy's take on the DNC and all that was going on around Denver last week. What I would give to have this guy's sense of humor and writing abiltiy.
It is long, but worth it. It is a post on the San Diego City Beat site and the guy's name is Nathan Dinsdale. Some of my favorite excerpts:
But really, read the whole thing. It is much better in context.
If you missed this on the Daily is a must see (IMHO).
Sen. Obama sat down with Erin of BlogHer for an interview (I am a BlogHer member, have attended conferences and run BlogHer ads on my sidebar). He's the only one who accepted the invitation (Clinton and McCain declined). This really confirms for me that he has a good feeling for real issues facing Americans today. I really like his idea for making medical and mental health screening for all vets returning from Iraq available.
I'm coming back to a blog post I did back in May of 2006...It was called My Next President.
Check it out...
Hubby and I just ordered our lawn sign, bumper stickers and buttons. I've never put a lawn sign up for anyone but local city counsel candidates.
It has been so long since I have felt like I could get behind any candidate for a major office. I'm trying not to be too "taken" or too naive, but I also am energized and hopeful for the first time since, well, I can't even remember when so I'm going with it.
This is an exciting time in America. The races are very interesting and it is prime time for the youth of this country to learn and participate and take charge.
For those of you who live in California and are represented by Diane Feinstein and don't agree with Bush's call to send more troops to Iraq, you need to call Diane's office. Apparently she has not come out against the idea. A big thanks to Abolition 2.0 for the heads up:
On her site it lists: Phone: (202) 224-3841 Or in California - (415) 393-0707.
Tag, you're it. Pass it on, please.
Why aren't "the twins" being sent to Iraq? Hmmmmmmmmm
It seems like I haven't posted in so long. Life is back to normal now...back to work, the kids are in school, the dogs are alone during the day, there are dinners to plan, homework to get into, emails to answer.
There have been a lot of interesting news items...this is what I found most interesting:
Keith Ellison became the first member of congress to be sworn in on something other than the Bible. Of course what really made this big news was that he was sworn in on the Quran. When this first started to surface as a possibility, the uber-conservative religious folks wasted no time getting their panties in a bunch.
"Last month, Virginia Rep. Virgil Goode (news, bio, voting record), R-Va., warned that unless immigration is tightened, "many more Muslims" will be elected and follow Ellison's lead."
Are you kidding me? I guess "give me your tired, your hungry..." no longer applies? Because of course we shouldn't be letting any more Muslims into this country ????? WTF???? Here's the thing, do you think it would be a good idea to make someone who doesn't believe in, or give any weight to the Bible, swear on it that he/she will do what's right, etc.? That would be totally meaningless. Isn't the whole point that the person needs to honestly and genuinely believe in what they are swearing on for the swearing in process to mean jack shit? Representative Ellison, GOOD FOR YOU! I love seeing people who don't back down from their principals, and better yet, he put in some extra effort by finding that the Library of Congress (which I have visited recently) had a copy of the Quran once owned by Thomas Jefferson. This man is more of a true American than most people I know. Muslim, Christian, Jew, whatever.
I just read something that perplexes me...although I shouldn't be surprised. The first paragraph is rather confusing in how it reads. I'm SURE the writer didn't mean to say that there are actually "federally funded teen pregnancy" organizations. But even getting beyond the poor choice of sentence blood still boils:
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Bush administration, to the consternation of its critics, has picked the medical director of an organization that opposes premarital sex, contraception and abortion to lead the office that oversees federally funded teen pregnancy, family planning and abstinence programs.
The appointment of Eric Keroack, a Marblehead, Massachusetts, obstetrician and gynecologist, to oversee the federal Office of Population Affairs and its $283 million annual budget has angered family-planning advocates.
Keroack currently is medical director of A Woman's Concern, a Christian nonprofit. The Dorchester, Massachusetts-based organization runs six centers in the state that offer free pregnancy testing, ultrasounds and counseling.
It also works to "help women escape the temptation and violence of abortion," according to its statement of faith. And it opposes contraception, saying its use increases out-of-wedlock pregnancy and abortion rates.
Now, I know I'm not alone in thinking that it is wrong (at least from my point of view) that someone who opposes contraception should be leading an organization charged with the oversight of the "Office of Population." I honestly can't believe that there are still people in this world that oppose contraception AT ALL, but they certainly shouldn't be leading an agency such as this. ARE THEY NUTS? Oh, wait...yes, in fact...they are.
Read more reaction by Melinda Henneberg on the Huffington Post.
It's been an encouraging night so far. We're watching the returns as they come in. I vote absentee and most of the time I mail in my ballot but today I drove it down to the polling site. This was at about 5:30 pm; it had been a long day for the poll workers already and yet I was greated with cheer and several great big "thank you for voting" shout outs! I miss that feeling of being at the poll.
I was able to get my sticker this way, too.
Keep your fingers crossed for the Senate...I can't believe that it looks like the state of Montana will have the fate of the Senate in its hands. Yikes.
Take a minute (about 3 actually) to watch the following video trailer of American Blackout. I've seen the full-legth version and I think it is worth your time. I would love to hear your thoughts and I'll be writing more about this as we get closer to election day. You can also do a YouTube search for "American Blackout" to see other trailers:
I just read this hysterical post on The Huffington Post written by Bill Maher. It is about a rule (law?) in Florida (of course, where else?) that requires that all library volunteers be drug tested. As noted in Maher's piece, the average age of library volunteers is between 60 and 85.
And Maher's comment about the last time a librarian did anything stupid and reckless while on drugs is not to be missed. You gotta read the whole thing.
**Climbing on the soapbox**
We have WAY too many other things to be worried about. Especially in Florida. How about drug testing the Governor and the people he has appointed? How about spending the money and time on something more productive and important like, oh, say the homeless problem, the crime rate, the state of health care?
**Climbing back down**
Can you just see the 80 year old guy emptying his colostomy bag into the little receptacle? Test THIS!
A woman making her way through life leaving a wake of only peace and happiness.
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