You may or may not have heard by now. We had a minor quake in the Bay Area this fine Tuesday evening. The night before Halloween. I was finishing up cooking dinner for the kids. My son was on the couch watching the Warrior's home opener and boom!
It was his first quake (in 16 years, can you believe it?). Well, the first one he has actually felt anyway. He said, "Oh! Earthquake" and I wasn't sure but then I looked at my wine glass, next to the wine bottle and all of the California vino was sloshing at the same time in the same way, so sure enough!
Thank goodness it was just a wee one.
Oh good to see you're okay.
Posted by: meeta | October 31, 2007 at 11:45 PM
Was it really a small one? It sounded like a big one.. I can't remember what the digits were. Earthquakes petrify me. :(
Posted by: catraggedy | November 01, 2007 at 05:46 PM