I was gently reminded tonight that it has been over a week since my last post. My head is everywhere and I just don't even know how to bring it together in a coherent way.
Baseball season is underway and the Giants are sucking. They are winning tonight (up 6-3 in the 8th), but mostly they have not been so fun to watch. Strike that, baseball is always fun for me to watch. But it is more fun when your home boys are winning.
I'm currently reading Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See for my book club. LOVE IT so far! It's kind of brutal with the telling of the foot binding process (in China in the 1800's). Very well written and I can't wait to get deeper into it.
Darren is gone for the week, spending his spring break with his grandparents in Gig Harbor, WA. I'm always so thankful when my kids spend time with their grandparents. I wish all kids could have the kind of multi-generational relationships that my kids do. I miss him...the house is really quiet without him. He'll arrive back in the house on Friday and we'll have our hurricane Darren back again.
The battery on my laptop is dying. I'm ready for bed. I was at work at 7am today and I'm done. I'll start the day tomorrow on the treadmill and hopefully find some inspiration for my writing.
As the team-blogger for the White Sox said last week: any day at the stadium is a good day. Let's remember that. (it was 34 degrees, but sunny. The Tribe guy couldn't be that cheery. Now we have the Cleveland Indians of Minnesota!!)...
Baseball is always good to watch! Except in the middle of a blizzard.
Posted by: Debra Roby | April 11, 2007 at 09:50 AM
I'll BET you are missing him. Gig Harbor WA is a gorgeous place!! Hope he's having a blast.
Posted by: Ann | April 11, 2007 at 11:22 PM