I sooooo totally surprised myself today.
I got the kids off to school, both of them since hubby is away. Darren puked again this morning, but this time IN THE CAR on the way to school. I pulled over and he got some air and then he was fine. Off to school. I think I need to figure out different timing on when he takes his meds. I think he's taking too much in the AM and for some reason it has started to bother his tummy. OR it could be stress. Today we find out if he was accepted to Serra or not. He seems to be totally decided on going to Summit, but I know that it would make him feel GREAT to have a choice and to know that he was accepted. He claims that he's not stressed about it, but if he's like his Mom, he internalizes his stress and it affects him physically.
Because I got to take Payton to school (usually Dan does that), I got a rare treat of hanging out with him in the morning. We made a stop at Starbucks and it was a nice start to the day.
Now to the fun part. When I got home, there was a message from the granite place. They had already cut the back splashes and wanted to know if they could come today to install them. Now this sounds like a no brainer right? Of course, why wouldn't I want them to just come get it done so that I could start really enjoying my new kitchen?
HAH! Not so fast! In order to install the back splashes (which are "full" meaning they go all the way from the counter to the bottom of the cabinets), I would have to remove the switch plates (no problem), AND the lights that are mounted under the cabinets! Excuse me? But....I don't know how they are attached, and they are hard wired into the wall!
A quick call to Dan (at 9:00am that was a risky move since he is in AZ partying with his buddies and who knows how late they were out last night...but I had to risk it. So I called). Glory be, I did not wake him up. He had gone to bed by 10:00pm and got a full night's sleep! (that's because he had enough to drink by noon that day and spent the rest of the day recovering...but that's a WHOLE other story). This is about ME damn it! Anyway, he was supportive, but couldn't be very helpful as he had no idea either and not being there to look at it, he just couldn't give me any clues.
So here's where it gets good, with pictures and all....
I decided I was going to make it happen. I had 2 hours before Vladamire and his gang showed up with the back splashes, and I'm not only pretty smart, but can be pretty handy with tools when I need to be (but I don't often need to be, so I'm not very experienced). So I set my mind to it, got the tools I needed and Voila!
This is a photo of the first light I took out. It was kind of messy as I learned my way around the thing. By third light, I was a pro and was down to only having to unscrew 2 bolts and disconnect 3 electrical pairings (those are the pretty yellow and orange things in this photo). I don't know that we'll ever get the first one back together, but the other two I might even be able put back together myself! THE HELL YOU SAY? Yep, I'll give that a go.
Here's what it looked like when I was done.
Now if I can get my strapping young and strong sons to carry the old sink (It's hell-a-heavy) out to the side yard, I just might be able to get the house back together for when Dan returns.
Oh, I forgot about the plummer that needs to come and hook up the dishwasher to the sink and the garbage disposal and put the faucet in. DAMN IT. Scott (a close friend and a helluva plummer), where are you man? I know your kid has a ball game at 3:30 today (so does mine), but I need you, brah!
Wow - I'm impressed. How does the granite look?
Posted by: healthymummy | March 18, 2007 at 01:16 PM