Just read this post from Table for Five and damn it, I'M IN! We ordered a treadmill that should be here in the next few weeks and I'm ready to go. I've actually lost about 5 pounds since Thanksgiving (pretty damn good over the holidays, NO?). My REAL reason for wanting to loose weight is that diabetes runs on my Mom's side of the family in a BIG way and that scares the SHIT out of me. I love my boys and I want to be around to play with my grandkids and THEIR kids too.
But my more immediate inspiration is our August trip to Maui with a bunch of families that we know, all of which have Mom's with tiny figures. While I'm not after the tiny figure, I am after one that is less jiggely than the one I own currently, and one that perhaps can fit into a size 10 instead of a size 14. My driver's license says that I'm 150 lbs. which is about a 37 lb lie at this point. My goal is to lessen the size of the lie. Technically, I should be more like 130, but come on now, let's be real. One step at a time.
Day by day.
So there it is, readers: my spouse, my co-workers, my spouse's co-workers, my co-worker's spouses, my Mom, my friends (both physical and cyber), my future friends, my lurkers, whoever you are. I am doing this naked. Clearly, not literally, but in the sense that I'm putting myself out there for the world to know. And although I would love to know that somehow I have done a good thing for someone else by doing this, I'm actually doing it for the selfish reason that when I commit to something in front of other people, I am much more likely to stick to it.
One of the tools that I have been using is called FitDay.com. It helps you keep track of what you have eaten and the calories and nutrients that you have consumed. You can also track your weight, physical activity, and other things. It's free and it's really cool.
I have been on this journey before. In 1999 I started going to the gym with a gal friend of mine (at 5 effing thirty in the AM!) about 3 days a week, sometimes 4. We started with cardio kick-boxing but quickly switched to a 1 hour weight lifting class 3 days a week, with a 1/2 hour ab class 2 days/ week. Over the course of a year I lost 35 pounds and kept it off for about another year. And then 9-11 happened (which rocked my world, seriously), and then the company that I was working for was bought out and I knew I would be out of a job soon, and then my Uncle had an aortic aneurysm and was in ICU for 6 weeks and the died (he was very young), and then I changed jobs, and then, and then, and then. And then I gained it all back.
And this, dear readers, is where I am today. I'll turn 40 in August and I better lose it now or it will be WAY harder. It is a change in lifestyle, not a diet. Eat better, watch your portions, move your ass, take your vitamins, the whole 9 yards. I have posted about this before, but I wasn't quite as serious. I lost my momentum. I was doing really well, but I couldn't keep it off.
Not again.
I'm going to check out that FitDay link! I'm wanting a treadmill so bad, I know I'll never do it if I have to go to the gym. Good luck getting back on track!
Posted by: Kris | January 11, 2007 at 07:22 AM