We are finding it very difficult to get back on track with this meal planning business. Between the craziness of the holidays and Darren's basketball schedule, we just don't have our shit together enough to pull this off with the consistency we once did.
That being said, here is what we have (had) on tap for this week:
Sunday 12/10 - Pizza (it's not delivery, it's DiGourno, seriously)
Monday 12/11 - Chili & cornbread
Tuesday 12/12 - Possibly Pizza again, but delivery this time, or maybe burritos from El Matate
Wednesday 12/13 - Tortilla Soup & something else
Thursday 12/14 - Chicken Parmesan (no practice, no parties, can you tell...)
I think we deserve a special Friday night dinner this week, too. Prob will be home because he's got finals to study for and Drob's practice ends at 4:45. Hmmmm what to make.....
Oh, Dan, by the way. Drob dumped the chili left over from last night down the garbage disposal this morning (gasp) because he said it was stinking up the fridge. If you were planning on left-overs...sorry honey. And oh, by the way, we may need a new garbage disposal :0)...not really, but we got lucky.
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