Now that the crappy stuff at work is done (SERIOUSLY bad week at work for me) I am beginning to get into the holiday spirit. At least I'm trying. I think it will be much easier/better when the kids are done with school.
I've had a serious case of the blues for the last week (and thus why I haven't been posting as much) but I am actively trying to get out of it. I don't want it to control me. I want to control IT. Good music, being with my family, making cookies, sending Christmas cards, shopping, long hot showers etc.
This photo was taken on my cell phone. It is of a tree that I saw when I went to a Ladies Christmas Desert last week. I don't think I've ever been to a "ladies" anything before and it was quite out of my comfort zone, but it was nice. I went with a couple of dear friends of mine and it was a nice break in the week. Even though I was exhausted when I got home.
I think "It's a Wonderful Life" is in order for tonight! It reminds me of how rich I am because I have so many wonderful friends and such a kick ass family.
The holidays are a bluesy time for me too. I work hard to get myself out of it, but sometimes I just need space, and fewer activities.
Posted by: Margaret | December 17, 2006 at 07:28 PM
That is such a beautiful picture! I think this month is risky because we set ourselves up with too many expectations. I start by making a list of what I can let go of.
Margaret above is right. Less is more.
Posted by: MotherPie | December 18, 2006 at 08:36 AM