I've been absent for a few days. Totally blew my Nablopomo duties. Damn it.
But that's what happens when you are "in the moment" of the holidays. Too busy living the day and planning for the week to come to think about posting.
One of the changes that I noticed this year was the ability and willingness of my kids to help with the Thanksgiving meal. This photo is of D and his great-uncle Jack peeling potatoes together. P also chipped in by helping his Dad do the dishes afterwards. Yes, it was a family affair in many ways. All in all it was a great break from work and a much needed visit with the family. You can see more photos here.
Now it is onward and upward towards Christmas. Our house is already in a frenzy. More on that later.
My fingers always seem to get in the way of the peeler, so I try to stay away from that duty. Glad it went well!
Posted by: Margaret | November 27, 2006 at 07:16 PM
jesus edith that's a lot of taters!
Posted by: Melanie | November 29, 2006 at 06:32 PM
that looks like it made a lot of potatoes. :) And I totally understand the frenzy. Here its not only christmas time but also finals time. AGH!
Posted by: meeta | November 30, 2006 at 01:40 PM
Family time is so wonderful... I wish we had more of it and did'nt live so far away from family...
Posted by: MotherPie | November 30, 2006 at 03:46 PM