I had to laugh several times as I read this article (read it, it's a quick one) on the web site of one of our local news shows...there are just so many phrases that could make one laugh. First of all, "naked and carrying a concealed weapon" has to tell you right away that this isn't your ordinary news story.
Next comes "lying naked on a tree stump fondling himself." It's just a visual that I don't need to have. "Arrested on suspicion of indecent exposure." Were the cops just suspicious that his nakedness was indecent? Did they need to seek some kind of expert to make that determination? If you can't decide that the guy who was sitting naked on a tree stump fondling himself was indeed indecent, I think you need to go back to the academy for some more training.
"Removed a six-inch metal awl wrapped in black electrical tape without incident." First of all, removing anything that is six inches long from inside your arse is in fact an incident in and of itself, thank you. And why was it wrapped in electrical tape? Did that make it easier to slide in and out? Hmmm. One wonders. And why was the fire department called? Did the guy need help removing the item? How many firefighters does it take to extract a screwdriver from an anus anyway? Our tax dollars hard at work, folks. Unbelievable.
Hilarious! Glad I found your blog. Go NaBloPoMo!
Posted by: Mombat | November 04, 2006 at 09:57 PM