Sitting here on what used to be a very action-packed night...Halloween...with pretty much nothing to do. Good thing I have a fire going and hubby here to keep me company. Mom just left, she came for dinner. Great to see her.
We usually have 50+ trick or treaters. So far, it's 7:28 and we've had less than 10. We're going to have a LOT of effing candy left over. I went to Technorati to see what the top searches and tags were, wondering what folks were wanting to read about or what they were writing about. BORING! Here are the top searches:
- Halloween
- Wee Shu Min
- Jotspot
- John Kerry
- Kerry
- Video
- Myspace
- John Tierney
- Borat
- Amalah
- Violent Acres
- Wee Siew Kim
- Ubuntu
So here I am, no trick or treaters and nothing exciting to read or blog about. Sheesh....even my dog is sleeping next to me.
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