Gotta jump on this bandwagon because it was so friggin' unbelievable. Imagine that, reality TV that is unbelievable...
Trading Spouses is not on my TiVo season pass list; I've actually only ever seen one episode before this one. But like everyone else, the previews for this show made me want to check it out. I'll spare the details because it's on everyone else's blogs today, but can I just say that this woman is my worst nightmare? Her ignorance, arrogance and anger are everything that is wrong with this world.
Now, I'm not stupid. I know that very often in reality TV people act differently than what they really are so that they can make their 5 minutes of fame into 10. I know that it highly likely that this moron was playing it up. I could just rant about her forever, but I don't want to appear like the raving lunatic that she was.
I will say this...If I were a hard core Christian, I would be really pissed at this portrayal of a God-fearing woman. She was ugly, and I honestly mean that she was ugly on the inside. I really could care less what she looked like, although I must admit it certainly didn't help her image.
OK, guilty pleasure time, I loved it. She gave me something to laugh at, yell at and laugh at again. She made me feel smart, compassionate, thin and drop dead gorgeous all at the same time. Thank you, warrior of God. In Jesus' name, I thank you!
TAGS: trading spouses
We are super models compared to HER. (and she doesn't even have a nice personality or kind Christian outlook?)
Posted by: Margaret | November 11, 2005 at 09:12 PM
She is all I have heard about from my daughter's boyfriend. It must have been quite an episode.
Posted by: Ellen | November 16, 2005 at 06:52 PM
This is hilarious! Thanks for posting it, cuz I missed this episode.
Posted by: Chris | December 10, 2005 at 11:19 AM