The best blog entry about the game last night comes from TBog:
"After sweeping the Astros everyone had snacks...
I'm didn't really care much one way or the other who won the World Series ((emphasis added by this blogger)although I did get a charge out of watching George H.W. and Barbara Bush witness something even more disappointing than their children), but it was nice to see an old school team win it for the second year in a row as opposed to those upstart spend-a-shitload-of-money-then-collapse teams (Marlins '03, D'Backs '01). Like a lot of baseball fans I would have liked to have seen Bagwell and Biggio win one before they retire, but, oh well."
Classic. I never thought about it that way. What a huge disappointment George W and Jed would be for me as a parent. But maybe Barbara and the older George don't see it that way.
But how could you look at George W's face as he sat in that school room, just having hear that our nation was under attack on 9/11 with that stupid-ass look on his face and not be ashamed? He had no clue as to what to do. He was waiting for all of his other dumb-ass people to tell him what to do. Arg, can't believe I got back on this 9/11 always seems to creep up when I least expect it.
tags: white sox, Bush, Barbara Bush, 9/11
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