This Thursday, letters from private schools will be mailed with either an acceptance, or regrets to 8th graders all over the bay area.
I am asking you, my friends, my readers, to send some karma my son's way. Payton applied to Serra High and it is really important to him to get in. He has a great chance, but there were 500+ applicants for 258 spots so it isn't a slam dunk, by far.
Here is a photo of my sweet 14 year old with the daugher of our best friend (from our recent trip to Denver). Notice he is already wearing a Serra sweatshirt in the photo. He admitted to me a couple of days ago that every time he thinks about it, he gets a big knot in his tummy. I am aching for him, and there is nothing I can do. If you pray, please pray for him. If not, please light a candle, or send some energy his way. He totally deserves this. I am appealing to any higher powers that be to help a brotha out here. He is my first baby, my soul mate. Please, whoever or whatever you are out there, send him some love.
Letters get mailed on Thursday. We may know as soon as Friday afternoon. I'll let you know.
Everything crossable has been crossed and a prayer has been sent!
Posted by: Cori | March 09, 2005 at 10:33 AM
Best of luck! I will be sending positive brainwaves your way.
Posted by: Margaret | March 09, 2005 at 10:29 PM
Oh, jeez. I know you are apprehensive, but I want to throw some numbers at you.
"500+ applicants for 258 spots" -- well, sort of. Many kids are applying to 2, 3, even as many as 8 schools (!!). Serra will accept N * 258. N is equal to their average yield -- it varies by school. A 60% yield would mean that for every 10 kids the school accepts, 6 actually sign an enrollment contract. So historically, Serra has a rule of thumb -- they are going to accept more than 258, because not every kid they accept will go to Serra.
And dude, if you don't get in this year? Next year looks better. Thin consolation, but there you go.
Posted by: liz | March 10, 2005 at 12:49 AM
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